All orders must be paid for before leaving our store. The only exception will be for our pre-approved invoiced business-to-business customers. When you provide us an e-mail address for notification, we notify you when your order is ready to pick up. We also provide you with a copy of your invoice, and a link with an option to pay online in the comfort of your own home or business. You can also pay in person, or call-in and pay over the phone. We can provide a paper, text, or e-mail receipt.
If you are a pre-approved invoiced business-to-business customer, invoices are due 30 days from receipt. If invoices are not paid within 30 days, an automatic $20 late fee will be assessed. Furthermore, the account will continue to accrue an ongoing late payment fee of 1.5% (18% Annually) of the grand total of the unpaid invoice(s), including taxes. Customers with outstanding invoices over 30 days will not be able to place new orders until their account is current. In the future, the account may lose their ability to be invoiced and must pay before picking up their orders.
As soon as you place an official order with us, you are financially responsible for that order and all the items that you ordered. For example, if you order 5 acrylics, and we ship in 5 acrylics, you will need to pay for all 5 acrylics, even if you decided a couple of days later that you only need 3. Timeless Awards has already paid for the items you ordered and you will need to be responsible for your order. Do not order more than you need. Timeless Awards already accounts for items that may be delivered damaged and if mistakes are made on certain items.
You are responsible to pay for and pick up your items within 30 days of the order being notified of completion. Any orders left after 30 days are considered abandoned. Any order material or personal items are now the property of Timeless Awards Company. If you need to make arrangements for a longer period, please pay for the order within 30 days and notify us of how long you need before you can pick your order up. Furthermore, any orders abandoned will still be responsible for the invoice. Any invoices not paid within 30 days will incur an automatic $20 late fee. The account will continue to accrue an ongoing late payment fee of 1.5% (18% annually) of the grand total of the unpaid invoice(s), including taxes. Customers with outstanding invoices over 30 days will not be allowed to place new orders and may lose ability to place new orders without paying in advance.